London Visual Arts Guild
Promoting Art and Art Education in London and Madison County since 2008
In The Gallery on High •5 East High Street  • London, Ohio,   USA   43140


Some Good Reasons Why You Should Join the London Visual Arts Guild...

London Visual Arts Guild (LVAG) is an active visual arts organization committed to the promotion and teaching of the visual arts in our community. LVAG welcomes anyone with an interest in the many forms of visual arts, including painting, sculpture, and photography, plus high-end crafts such as wood turning, stained glass and other original design work such as ceramics and quilting.

LVAG seeks to expand artistic awareness through displays, shows, lectures, demonstrations and a variety of classes on developing different skills. There will also be sessions on creative thinking and aesthetics that will apply to education, business and the fine arts community.

The Guild will be active in as many community functions as possible, including business, social, religious, and educational. We will try to sponsor and promote daytime activities along with special school programs both in the public and private school classrooms. Contests will be held for art and photography works with various themes. Because LVAG is made up of many levels of artistic proficiencies, contests will be divided into amateur and professional categories from beginners and intermediates to educators and professionals in fine and commercial art. School contests for fine art could be held with possible printing of finalists’ work. Evening classes in painting, drawing and digital photography will be offered on a regular basis. Depending on interest levels, classes in various other media will be offered.

We feel that we will offer many levels of interests and degrees of participation that will include almost everyone who is interested in the visual arts field. Amateurs will be helped with the basics. Intermediates will be offered a variety of opportunities to improve on their skills with a constant support group to encourage their experimentation.

The Gallery on High is one of the focal points of interest for displaying local artwork and teaching artistic concepts in the visual arts. We also have a rotating gallery of artwork by local artists displayed in different parts of the city at various organizations and businesses. This makes valuable wall space available to our area artists not only to show but to also sell their art.

We invite everyone in our community to join us and help promote art in our area. Professional artists and designers of all medias are encouraged to lend their support and expertise to help in this community-wide effort.

Everyone who enjoys art or the creating of art will benefit from their association with the London Visual Arts Guild.

London Visual Arts Guild can use YOUR help to promote art and art education in London and Madison County. If you feel you'd like to be a part of this exciting journey, feel free to send an email to lvag.info@gmail.com, or anyone on the Contacts page.

Or you may fill out this Membership Application form and mail it to the address on the form.

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Last updated: 05/10/2011

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